External Hard Drives

I recently had trouble with my Seagate FreeAgent 500GB External Hard Drive. The boot sector in that drive crashed out of the blue. I wasn't too worried about the hardware, but my DATA!!! It contained most of my media files. So what did I do?

Bad boot sector on External Drive.

Drive does not recognize when plugged in. (Autoplay does not scan and the window doesn't pop up that asks you want do you want to do with the newly plugged in drive).

Solution: (I came to the conclusion that I'm losing an external drive)
1. Crack case and pull drive out of the plastic enclosure. (There's a lot of plastic)
You can easily find a How-To. Just google it.

2. Take drive and mount in a computer with free sata port.

3. Windows will fix bad sector.

4. Back up data on another drive.

5. Drive is dead. I haven't tried formatting it. I've moved on to a Western Digital MyBook. So shiny, so black, so nice. Also, learning from my last experience, I have a back up Buffalo drive in case of any future failures.

Head Chimp


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